Become a Conference Border Collie!
Want to be an integral part of the APDT Educational Conference and Trade Show? Join the "working" Border Collie Team. The Border Collie team helps the conference run smoothly and efficiently. You don't have to be a conference veteran either. Even if this is your first year, you are welcome to join the team! Becoming part of the Border Collie team is also a great way to make new friends and learn more about other members.
Who are the Border Collies?
Border Collies are a friendly group of conference attendees that volunteer to:
Validate badges for entry to educational sessions.
Help those who are lost and/or answer questions. (i.e., Where’s the bathroom? Which lecture is this? Do you know where a certain speaker is speaking? Where’s the exhibit hall?) or direct them to someone who can answer.
Help Staff & Speakers when needed.
Attendees who wish to volunteer as a Border Collie, must be registered for the day(s) you want to volunteer as a Border Collie. Volunteers can pick the sessions you want to work as a Border Collie, so you won’t have to miss sessions that you really want to attend and focus on. Border Collies will receive information and an orientation at conference, so you will have the knowledge to help other conference attendees.
Learn more about volunteering.
Fill out the below form if you are interested in becoming a conference Border Collie.